A NEW masterplan on the future of the Sir John Moore Barracks will be launched as part of two consultations events.

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is proposing around 900 homes, after it's vacated by the Ministry of Defence in 2026.

The site has been allocated between 750 and 1,000 homes in Winchester City Council’s draft Local Plan.

Events will be held at Littleton Millennium Memorial Hall on September 4 from 2pm to 6pm; and at Weeke Community Centre on September 5 from 4pm to 8pm. 

The masterplan proposes 40 per cent affordable housing; walking and cycling links; a heritage trail; retaining mature woodland; and up to 1.9 hectares of sports playing fields. 

This is the third stage of public consultation following initial events last November and December, and a series of open workshops between December and May. There was also a guided site tour for nearly 100 people who signed up for the event to walk the space and experience the scale of the site and the opportunity it presents. 

Sir John Moore Barracks masterplan (Image: Contributed)

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Robert Smith, head of major disposals at the DIO Estate Division within the MOD, said: “We are extremely grateful to the great many residents and stakeholders who have provided well over 1,000 items of feedback on the future of Sir John Moore Barracks, and the project team has been working hard to deliver a concept masterplan that takes all of this into account. 

“It is important to us that we create a proposal that balances the various constraints and opportunities on site to deliver an exciting new neighbourhood and community for Winchester that celebrates the legacy of the site while promoting sustainability and biodiversity. We look forward to hearing the views of the local community at these events to further shape and refine our planning, and we hope to see as many of you as possible.”

Feedback from the consultation events will be reviewed before a refined concept masterplan is presented to Winchester City Council's cabinet for formal consideration, before a final stage of public consultation prior to the submission of an outline planning application.

For further information on the development and to get involved, visit: sirjohnmoorewinchester.co.uk.