A senior Test Valley Liberal Democrat has described Hampshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner's comments on the ongoing protests as 'deeply irresponsible'. 

Geoff Cooper, Lib Dem parliamentary spokesperson, made the comments after Donna Jones said “arresting people” is “treating the symptom and not the cause” in the wake of protests which have descended into riots across the country.

Ms Jones said in a statement, which was temporarily deleted and later amended, on Saturday: "The questions these people want answering; what is the government's solution to mass uncontrolled immigration?

"How are the new Labour government going to uphold and build on British values?"

The comments have been criticised by MPs across Hampshire, including Eastleigh MP Liz Jarvis, Winchester MP Danny Chambers and Southampton Test MP Satvir Kaur.

Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal described her statement, which he reposted on X, as “totally unacceptable”. 

READ MORE: Winchester MP says PCC should 'consider her position' over comments

Cllr Cooper, who also sits on Test Valley Borough Council, said: “To suggest the rioters are somehow trying to ‘protect British sovereignty’ and ‘uphold British values’ is absurd. They are opportunistic racist thugs, motivated by fear, anger and hatred.”

Cllr Geoff Cooper (Image: Contributed)

In her statement, Ms Jones acknowledged the rioting had “escalated to a worrying level” and expressed concerns about the “extremely violent, highly distressing and absolutely criminal” behaviour. 

Ms Jones criticised the introduction of the new Violent Crime Units, accusing the move of introducing “two-tier” policing, which in her view “enflamed the protestors”. She went on to call on the government to “acknowledge what is causing this civil unrest in order to prevent it.”

Cllr Cooper added: “Rather than attempting to calm the situation, Ms Jones’s statement only adds fuel to the fire. Her actions are deeply irresponsible. Let us not forget that at the heart of this, are three grieving families who have lost their precious girls. I cannot imagine the pain being caused to them right now. Ms Jones should be ashamed of herself. As should every thuggish rioter on our streets.

“However, I agree with one thing Ms Jones said, the government must address the cause of this civil unrest. It must address the poverty and feeling of hopelessness that exists in many of our communities after years of Tory rule. It must address the unfair and unequal society that makes some look for someone to blame. And we must all work to address the rhetoric and irresponsible behaviour of right-wing politicians and media outlets. Some of whom have played on people’s fears, stoked their anger and fanned this hatred toward immigrants.”

Donna Jones has not responded to requests for comment.