HAMPSHIRE County Council have provoked the anger of Winchester residents after parking issues near the station.

Fred White, who lives on Sussex Street, has complained that the council has allowed buses ferrying passengers to Boomtown festival to park along Newburgh Street, preventing locals from parking.

He said: "The city council and the county council are at loggerheads about parking at the expense of the residents."

The bus service has been set up by Boomtown to alleviate traffic as festivalgoers flood through the station. Instead of driving to the site and clogging up local roads such as the A272 and A31 ticket holders are encouraged to use public transport.

READ MORE: The car parking loophole to help you avoid parking tickets

(Image: Fred White)

This comes after Winchester City Council handed over the responsibility for street parking to the county council in October last year. The city council still manages the city's car parks.

Mr White contacted Winchester City Council, but was told street parking was a county council responsibility.

On going to the county council, he found out no one could speak to him about the issue because all the staff who are qualified to deal with it are working from home. 

"There's no one here to sort out the issue," he said. "They're all working from home. There's buses all over the place."

The Chronicle has approached Hampshire County Council for comment.