THE MP for Winchester has said that Hampshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner needs to “consider her position” for her views on the ongoing protests.

As previously reported, Donna Jones said “arresting people” is “treating the symptom and not the cause” in the wake of protests which have descended into riots across the country.

The comments have been criticised by MPs across Hampshire, including Eastleigh MP Liz Jarvis and Southampton Test MP Satvir Kaur.

READ MORE: Donna Jones criticised for comments on Southport protests

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner Donna JonesHampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones (Image: Contributed)

Now Danny Chambers, the newly elected MP for Winchester, is also criticising Ms Jones' comments.

Speaking to the Chronicle, Mr Chambers said: “I think (what she said) was really poorly thought out. I didn’t like how she phrased that ‘we need to understand these people are standing up for British values’.

“About 80 per cent of people in the UK say they are worried about the levels of immigration, and it is a legitimate conversation to have – it is one of the top issues – but that doesn’t mean you go out and start smashing up Citizens Advice and burning down libraries and attacking a mosque, that’s not standing up for British values.

“If someone else had said what she’d said, she is trying to understand the motivations behind why people are doing that, but if you’re in charge of the police and you are legitimising the motivations of people who are committing crimes – these aren’t protesters they are hooligans and thugs – in that position is really careless. I don’t know why she said it, it doesn’t add anything to the conversation, and it makes the police’s job harder.”

Winchester MP Danny ChambersWinchester MP Danny Chambers (Image: Contributed)

SEE ALSO: Donna Jones issues new statement on Southport protests

He continued: “I think she should be considering her position, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that she has to go, but I think what would decide it for me is if the police still have confidence in her. That is what matters.

“It is the frontline police who are dealing with this, and they need all the political and practical support they can get. If they have confidence in her, then it’s okay. But if they haven’t, if they are out there with riot shields and are having bricks chucked at them, and if your boss is saying that these people are standing up for British values it could be different.”

Donna Jones has been contacted for comment.