THERE were hundreds of smiling faces as the Wickham Festival continued this weekend.

 As previously reported, the festival has returned to its usual home, albeit on a slightly different field.

The site has been redesigned, with day parking now on the field formerly used for the main arena and the two main stages now on a field opposite McCarthy's farm shop, formerly used for camping.

It is hoped that the new layout will better stand up to weather conditions, as the site is flatter and on grass, especially after last year's festival turned into a muddy swamp after it was hit by rain.

Festival goes and musicians have travelled from across the UK, and in some cases from further afield, to attend the event.

READ MORE: New site proving popular as Wickham Festival gets into full swing with top acts

Julie Dale had come from Cornwall to enjoy the Wickham Festival.

She said: “I’m really enjoying it. We’ve been a few times before and normally it’s quite muddy, but the weather has held up so far.”

Julie DaleJulie Dale (Image: Chris Atkinson)

Graham and Carole Jeffery had travelled to the festival from Ashford to perform as part of the East Kent Morris Group.

This year is their third time at the festival. They said: “We have seen boiling heat, and torrential rain, and now we have lovely weather this weekend.

“It is a good festival, and we have heard some great music. We are performing all weekend, but we get evenings off to look around and see some acts.”

Graham and Carole JefferyGraham and Carole Jeffery (Image: Chris Atkinson)

Wickham resident Pat Fray and her sister Kathy McNally, who had travelled from Lincolnshire to attend the event, have been going to the Wickham Festival for a long time, with Pat saying: “I have come to everyone since Peter started them down in Gosport.”

The sisters said: “We really love the new site, it is really well-contained.

“We have had some great weather this year, and the event is great fun. The festival is normally very nice, you don’t get a lot of disagreements or people fighting, which is good.

Pat Fray (left) with her sister Kathy McNallyPat Fray (left) with her sister Kathy McNally (Image: Chris Atkinson)

“Everyone is in a good mood.”

Bennet Cerven had travelled to the festival from Germany to perform as part of the band Dream in Colour.

It is his third year in a row at the festival, with the musician saying: “We are really excited to be back here.

“I think Wickham Festival was my first big festival in the UK. It opened a lot of doors for me, so it has a big place in my heart.”

Dream in ColoursDream in Colours (Image: Chris Atkinson)

Tom and Maria Oulton had travelled from Sheffield for the festival. Tom explained that it was his first time at the festival, as well as the first festival that Maria had ever attended.

He continued: “It is really lush.

“The festival has a very relaxed environment. Folk music is something you don’t really get at many other festivals, and it is just really nice to be here.

SEE ALSO: 13 pictures show fun and great outfits at Wickham Festival on Friday

Maria and Tom OultonMaria and Tom Oulton (Image: Chris Atkinson)

“It helps that the weather is nice!”

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Day tickets are still available for Sunday, and cost £85 adults, £42.50 under 16s and £5 under 10s.

Residents of Wickham and Knowle who are on the electoral register can claim free entry on Sunday by taking along a proof of address and ID to the box office.

The festival is running until Sunday, August 4.