A HAMPSHIRE man has been jailed for burgling homes across Wickham and Gosport.

Larky Hughes, 21, of The Spur, was jailed for the crimes for four and a half years on Friday, August 2.

On January 28, 2023, a woman in her 80s received a knock at her door in Buddens Road, Wickham, where she was faced with Hughes who told her he was there to do gardening work for her.

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Larky HughesLarky Hughes (Image: Hampshire Police)

She allowed him into her house, where he stole £80 from her handbag before leaving without completing any work.

The legitimate gardener employed by the victim was spoken to and confirmed he had not sent anyone to the address to complete work on his behalf.

In a separate incident on November 13, Hughes targeted another woman, this time in Highfield Road in Gosport.

The woman, aged in her 70s, received a knock at the door from Hughes, who again offered to do gardening work. Hughes was invited through the house into the garden to discuss, but the woman soon declined the offer of work.

As Hughes made his way back through the house, he stole the woman’s purse which contained £100 cash and a bank card. He later returned to the address and was confronted by the victim and her daughter about the stolen items.

Hughes denied stealing the purse, but took £100 out of his pocket and gave it to the victim. When pressed further on the missing purse and bank card, Hughes simply walked away.

He was subsequently arrested and charged with two counts of burglary, which he admitted when he appeared at Portsmouth Crown Court on Tuesday, July 9.

Hughes, appeared at the same court today (Friday, August 2) where he was jailed for four and a half years.

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DC Zoe Barker said: “Distraction burglaries and other forms of doorstep crime often see some of our most vulnerable members of the community targeted and manipulated into thinking they can trust the person knocking on their door.

“It is a disgraceful act to prey on a vulnerable person in this way for financial gain, and we take robust action against anyone who is identified as being involved in this type of crime.

“We want people to be alert to these types of criminals, and encourage you to share our crime prevention advice with any elderly neighbours and relatives to ensure they are aware of how they can stay protected.”