AN award-winning pub has applied for new signage, with some concerns raised over their lighting. 

The application from Punch Taverns Ltd is for The Bishop Blaize, in Winchester Road, Romsey. 

The pub recently won the Hampshire Chronicle and Romsey Advertiser Pub of the Year. 

Concerns have been raised over an error in one of the plans, which shows the word 'bishops' instead of 'bishop'. 

Objector Lucy Gosse, of The Harrage, said: “I consider that the proposed illuminations on the front of the building will cause unnecessarily high/bright lighting: I note that the application refers to it being 'ambient but over a wide area'.

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The Bishop Blaize sign plans (Image: TVBC)

"I also think downlighting would be preferable to avoid lighting spilling up and out and across the area in front of the pub. There is already far too much lighting in Romsey that is not downlit. Also - the current proposal could also shed annoying light across the road onto the private dwellings.”

Romsey Town Council's planning committee discussed the scheme on Thursday, August 1. 

Cllr John Parker said: “I think the most important thing is to make sure that sign says 'bishop' and not 'bishops'. I personally don't have any objections to this.”

Committee chairman Cllr John Critchley said: “In the evening, the garage stands out a mile and the pub actually recedes into the darkness. I don't have any particular problems with this.” 

Cllr Russell Theron added: “As a former publican, people are very protective about public houses and you can see that from the comments about the types of signage. The pub is a community asset. The landlord wants to run a successful pub and as long as it's lit and within the conservation remit, we should be supporting this.”

For more details about the plans online, search 24/01547/ADVS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.