THOSE caught in yesterday's storm may have thought The Old Gaolhouse pub was a safe place to seek refuge – and perhaps a quick pint.

But anyone who ended up in the Winchester Wetherspoons on Jewry Street might have been surprised to find it was raining in there as well.

Water leaked through the ceiling, causing "sparks and a bang" which were strong enough to detach a light fitting from the wall.

Stephen Willoughby, who was present, said: "It was a half-busy pub and at first everyone was just laughing and joking as the water poured through the ceiling. Everyone was taking photos and videos.

READ MORE: Winchester city centre flooding – all the best photos

The indoor downpour (Image: Contributed)

"Then after a few minutes the plaster gave way. Staff moved everyone back and out of that area and asked people to stop filming. A few minutes later there were sparks and a bang as the light fitting fell off the wall.

"Shortly afterwards we were all asked to leave. It was still torrential outside though, so people weren't rushing for the doors and a couple of hours later, as I passed the pub on my way to the station, they were serving and drinkers were inside – just not in that front area."

The pub has reopened the morning after the deluge – the area where the leak occurred is still cordoned off.

The manager of The Old Gaolhouse declined to comment and referred the Chronicle to head office.

Another Winchester establishment hit by the storm was Theatre Royal, also on Jewry Street. 

A kids' production of Sleeping Beauty was called off just an hour before it was due to start after water seeped into the playhouse's electrical system.

Lisa, mother to one of the children, said: "Forty children who had worked so hard, were left devastated. Let's hope it dries out over night so tomorrow's performance can happen."