WE have put together all the photos of the flooding in Winchester yesterday. 

The scenes include a leaky ceiling at The Old Gaolhouse Wetherspoons pub, pedestrians up to their knees in water and half-submerged cars.

Intense rainfall briefly turned the city's streets into rivers as drains overflowed.

Shops at the bottom of the high street are closed after they were flooded with sewage. Card Factory and the British Heart Foundation are both shut. 

Staff at Card Factory say the flooding has cost them thousands of pounds in merchandise after their stock room was flooded.

Member of the public Jeremy Hollinshead said: "We were all saying we'd never seen anything like this before - not such torrential rain for such a sustained period.

"I had a good chat with one guy who was convinced this was the product of global warming and that we were all warned about it at school in the '80s!

"I'm not sure whether this is directly related or not, but it was like nothing I've seen before."