A CONTROVERSIAL scheme for a rear dormer in Romsey town centre is due to be decided by a planning committee. 

Rita Jarvis wants to have a rear dormer at 31 Latimer Street. 

It will be decided by Test Valley Borough Council's planning committee on August 13. Officers have recommended it for permission. 

Concerns have been raised by residents of Coachmakers Mews, to the rear of the property, who say it would be overbearing. 

A total of eight objections have been received. Romsey Town Council's planning committee submitted no objection. 

READ MORE: Romsey digital map to pin point sites planned for development

Rear dormer plans (Image: TVBC)

D J Weeks, of Coachmakers Mews, said: “I feel this proposal will significantly overlook several rooms in my property which are not currently overlooked by No. 31 due to the height of their large rear wall. It will also overlook the private garden area to number 33 Latimer Street which currently enjoys total privacy.

“Our small mews development has a mix of property sizes which was surely taken into consideration when the original planning consent was approved. The significant increase in the size of 31 Latimer Street will lead to over development of our mews.”

Pauline Baker, also of Coachmakers Mews, said: “In short, I believe this is an unnecessary, dominant and unattractive carbuncle on an otherwise gentle, pitched roof on a pretty cottage and totally out of keeping with the surroundings.

“In the very unfortunate event that you should grant this application, it should be solely with the condition that opaque glazing be used to mitigate loss of privacy for the residents of Coachmakers Mews.”

In the planning officers' report, it said: “Given the small-scale nature of the proposed development, limited public views from wider conservation area and variation in rear elevations within Coachmakers Mews, it is not considered the proposed development would be harmful to the Romsey Town conservation area. Whilst there is additional bulk on the rear elevation, given the orientation of the site, position of the rear dormer and separation distance between properties within Coachmakers Mews it is not considered to cause detrimental harm to neighbouring amenity.”

For more details about the plans online, search 24/01190/FULLS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.