A DEVELOPMENT of five new homes, replacing agricultural buildings will be back before a council planning committee due to 'unforeseen circumstances' of a death. 

An applicant called Mr J Finnegan got permission from Test Valley Borough Council's planning committee in May. 

However, a complication has arisen regarding the need for a section 106 agreement. 

In the planning officers' report, it said: “The applicant worked proactively with the council to draft the s106 agreement and complete it before the stipulated date.

READ MORE: Romsey planning: Five new homes in Nursling get the green light

Plans for new homes (Image: TVBC)

“However, it has not been possible to complete the agreement due to unforeseen circumstances, as one of the required signatories has died and the estate has not been granted Probate. It is not yet clear how long it will be for Probate to be granted, but with current times scales published on the gov.uk website it is likely to be a lengthy delay. 

“To avoid refusal of the application, the applicant has agreed to pay all contributions up front and negate the need for a s106 agreement, with all other matters being controlled by appropriately worded planning conditions.”

The scheme has been recommended for permission and will be decided by the planning committee on August 13.