A HAMPSHIRE village school has applied to build a new classroom. 

Awbridge Primary School submitted the plans for a Portakabin unit at the school, in Danes Road. 

The classroom building has been donated to the school by another parent, who is not named in the planning documents. 

The school was founded in 1877 and currently has six classes consisting of girls and boys from four to 11 years of age.

In the application's planning statement, it said: “The proposal seeks to provide additional much needed education/classroom facilities to Awbridge Primary School. 

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Awbridge Primary School classroom plans (Image: TVBC)

“The classroom building unit has been gifted to the school and the appropriate professional services required for this local community project are also being provided free. 

“We consider that this work will not materially harm the current structure/fabric of the existing building, and will provide additional facilities for the benefit of both the school and local community.”

By Wednesday, July 31, no public comments in support or objection had been submitted. 

For more information about the scheme, search 24/01599/FULLS on Test Valley Borough Council's online planning portal.