A CHARITY gig in a Hampshire town has smashed its targets to raise almost £2,000 to fight the UK's biggest killer.

The concert, which took place in Romsey, was put on to raise money for dementia charities.

It was "a great fun night" according to Jo Adamson, one of the organisers.

Local heroes Kings Road and S Punk 7 lit up the stage at Romsey Football Club on Saturday, July 27, along with other local acts.

READ MORE: Kings Road and S Punk 7 headline gig for dementia groups

The gig was a success (Image: Jo Sadler)

The concert raised money for two local dementia-friendly groups: The 2012 Club and the Green Buttercup group, which both organise events to help those with the disease.

Jo Adamson and Nick Day are organised the event for their mum, Wendy, who was diagnosed with dementia four years ago. Nick is a member of S Punk 7.

Jo greatly enjoyed attending these two local groups.

She said: "She had a lot of fun at these groups and we as a family have some amazing memories from our time attending with her so we want to raise as much as we can so other people and their families can have fun and make some memories too."

Dementia has been called the "UK's biggest killer", and continues to take more lives in this country than any other disease.