WINCHESTER Sport and Leisure Park has earned finalist status in two categories at a prestigious national awards ceremony.

The national 2024 ukactive Awards is the second organistation to recognise the centre's quality in a month, after Quest rated it as "outstanding".

The centre, run by leading operator Everyone Active on behalf of Winchester City Council has been shortlisted in the "Regional Club/Centre of the Year – South" category and will also be considered for the "National Club/Centre of the Year" award.

In a joint nomination with local charity Winchester Go LD, the centre has also been shortlisted for the equality, diversity and inclusion award.

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Winchester Sports and Leisure Park (Image: Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre)

This recognition celebrates collaborative efforts in creating an accessible and welcoming environment for all community members, regardless of background or ability.

A standout initiative demonstrating this commitment is the upcoming ParaPB event, co-organised by Winchester Sport and Leisure Park, Winchester Go LD and Winchester City Council.

Betty Chadwick, CEO of Winchester Go LD, said: “ukactive’s recognition is so encouraging for all involved in the planning of the ParaPBevent and of course for those who attend.

“This news has arrived as we finalise plans for our 2024 event on 5th September, giving us all the motivation and encouragement we need to make this year’s event the best it has ever been.

“We value the importance and benefits of regular physical activity for people with learning disabilities and we have worked hard in breaking down some of the barriers that participants have faced in accessing this.

“Our annual ParaPB event provides a starting point for participants to connect with regular inclusive sporting activity, such as disability football, disability swimming, super low level circuits, parkrun, cricket, and other weekly local sports.”

The ukactive Awards celebrate the best of the physical activity sector and are designed to recognise excellence and innovation across health, wellbeing and fitness. A not-for-profit body, ukactive comprises members and partners from across the active lifestyle sector.

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Finalists will now go through to the next stage of the judging process where they will undergo further assessments including a mystery shop and digital review.

The regional winners and national champion will be announced at a gala dinner at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham on Thursday, October 3.

Alison Lewis, Everyone Active’s area contract manager, said: “It’s a huge honour to be shortlisted for two ukactive Awards – these really reflect the hard work and dedication the site team has put in over the past year.

“We're also particularly proud to be recognised alongside Winchester Go LD for our joint efforts in promoting inclusive fitness opportunities.

“To be selected as a finalist is an achievement in itself and we’d like to thank all of our members for their ongoing support.”

This also follows news last month that Winchester Sport and Leisure Park was recognised as one of the top leisure facilities in England after achieving the elite "Outstanding" rating from Quest, the leading national quality scheme for the leisure industry.

The leisure facility is one of just three facilities in England to achieve this result.