WINCHESTER City Council has disputed claims that it is behind on food hygiene inspections.

Analysis of data from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) by the BBC shows one in five restaurants and takeaways have not been inspected by food inspectors for more than two years.

Guidelines state most food premises in England, Wales and Northern Ireland should be inspected between six months and two years depending on the level of risk. Some extremely low-risk businesses, such as pharmacists and greengrocers, can be inspected within three years.

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Analysis of more than 250,000 public records on the FSA website has found that more than 53,000 restaurants and takeaways have not been inspected since 2021.

Data provided by the BBC shows that, of the 457 restaurants and takeaways in Winchester it has data on, 51 (11 per cent) have not been inspected since 2022. This is better than the national average, which shows that 19.2 per cent of almost 231,000 restaurants have not been inspected since before 2022.

A spokesperson for Winchester City Council has disputed the data, saying that there are more than 1,300 food businesses across its district, and that the council is confident that it is on top of inspections which are required under the FSA.

On a national level, the delay on inspections has been blamed on cuts to environmental health.

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Mike Short, head of government at Unison, said: “Environmental health is a shadow of its former self. Government cuts have put an almighty squeeze on council spending. Many jobs have gone and vital experience has been lost.

“Departments now have so few staff that inspections only happen when it’s too late and a problem’s been reported. In the past, councils would offer guidance and training to new businesses to help them stay the right side of the law. This has all long gone.

“Without a doubt, cuts have put the public at risk. Inspections are now so delayed that it’s perfectly possible for food businesses with shoddy hygiene practices to operate with little fear of ever being caught. This is a serious public health issue.”