MEMBERS of local choirs will meet the Dean of Winchester to discuss the crisis in music at the cathedral.

Representatives of ten choirs will see the Very Rev Catherine Ogle and the new interim cathedral music director Andrew Lucas in September.

The meeting follows a letter to the Hampshire Chronicle, published on July 11, and signed by representatives of the choirs: Ashton Singers, Hampshire Choral Festival, Jane Austen Singers, Kingsgate Voices, Southampton Philharmonic Choir, Southern Voices, St Cross Chapel Choir, Waynflete Singers, Winchester Cathedral Chamber Choir and Winchester Consort.

It raised fears about the loss of senior musicians, bullying and poor management. The crisis has attracted national media attention.

The letter said: "We are deeply concerned by the imminent departure, for unexplained reasons of (Director of Music) Andrew Lumsden, one of England's top conductors and organists, as well as the loss of Lay Clerks and organists, and that the Cathedral's musical reputation and influence are being undermined by reports that could inflict lasting damage."

On the agenda will be how the Cathedral and local choirs can work together better and the scope of the Musical Director's role.

Alison Spottiswoode, chair of Southern Voices, said: "We very much welcome the Dean’s invitation to meet to discuss strengthening co-operation between the Cathedral and our local amateur choirs, who owe such a debt of gratitude for decades of support from the cathedral’s extraordinary musicians.  The Dean has invited us to comment on the future scope of the Director of Music role, and we hope we can do so before the Director of Music position is advertised.

"The Dean also indicated willingness to offer greater opportunities to local choirs, which would create immense goodwill from the community. So many people really value cathedral music and that was the point of our letter. It is surely good for the church to have the goodwill of all these people?"

In a statement, the Dean said: “We have invited representatives of local choirs to an informal get-together in September with our new Interim Director of Music, Andrew Lucas. The Cathedral and its musicians have a vital role to play in the wider musical life of Winchester and Hampshire – and we would like to look at ways in which our bonds can be strengthened. 

“We’re look forward to exploring ways in which we can support local choirs beyond the Cathedral’s commitment to developing the central core of excellence and the tradition valued by so many.”