I was interested to read Cllr Danny Lee's letter regarding his concerns about the Hampshire Water Transfer and Water Recycling Project when he attended a recent Southern Water drop-in session (Chronicle, July 25).

In a recent article in the Hampshire Chronicle a Southern Water spokesperson stated that most people attending the drop-in sessions supported the proposals. 

I am not sure if that information should even be disclosed during a public consultation, but there is plenty of evidence that many do not support the proposal for a range of reasons. 

In June, I stood outside one of the drop-in sessions at Havant Rugby Club and there was certainly little support for the proposal to recycle effluent water from Budds Farm Waste Water Treatment Works to Havant Thicket Reservoir. 

The reservoir was given planning consent on the basis that it would be springwater fed with little public opposition. There is now huge concern about the proposal.
Ann Buckley,
Havant Thicket Reservoir Group,
Oaklands Road,

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