TEST Valley Borough Council (TVBC) has provided an update on its plans to implement a tourism strategy, for Romsey and Stockbridge, revealing that "tourist information points" will be implemented in due course.

Towards the end of last year, the council received a report on tourism that recommended TVBC develop a clear tourism strategy for Andover, Romsey and Stockbridge.

At a Test Valley Borough Council meeting held on Wednesday, July 24, Cllr John Parker asked the community, leisure and tourism portfolio holder, Cllr Terese Swain for an update:.

He said: "Can the portfolio holder advise whether TVBC has agreed to follow this advice, and, in particular, what progress has been made on developing the three town-based tourism plans?"

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Cllr Swain replied: "The tourism sector is a small but important one to the economy of the Test Valley.

"All councillors received a copy of the tourism report in March and will be aware that the report indicated that destination management, destination marketing and development activities are key in supporting the growth of tourism across the borough of the Test Valley.

"One of the actions within the adopted economic development strategy 2024-2025 is to develop destination management, marketing and development activities for Test Valley in line with the tourism review.

"The Andover marketing strategy and town plans are identified as potential actions as part of this work.

"The economic strategy set out that these activities are scheduled to be investigated, considered and implemented by the end of 2025.

"Whilst that date doesn't seem a long way off, work is already underway for bringing forward the recommendations of the tourism review. Councillors will be updated in due course.

"It's important to note that any of the improvement of the destination marketing and development activities can and should build upon existing relationships the council has within the tourism sector and through our strong community partnerships."

Cllr Parker then asked: "Could you give us a clue as to when 'in due course' might be?"

Cllr Swain responded: "The first things that will be rolling out will be the tourist information points and as soon as we have more information on doing that element, that will come forward to you and then as we plan to do the rest along with the development strategy, the updates for that will also include the tourist report."