St John's Winchester's Ride to Remember campaign has raised more than £8,000 for its Dementia Support service.

The campaign encouraged Winchester residents to cycle 100 miles or kilometres throughout May.

In a year and a half, the Dementia Support service has assisted over 500 dementia sufferers, their carers and families. It provides free dementia support locally.

Aiming for a total of £10,000, the funds will sponsor an admiral nurse to offer expert emotional and practical support at home for 40 days, or a dementia support worker for 75 days.

It will also cover the entire year's cost for the service's free weekly Memory Wellbeing Centres.

Tim Bissett, CEO at St John's Winchester, said: "We extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported the Ride to Remember campaign. Together, we can do more to support those affected by dementia,"