A Romsey cancer support centre pulled £1,010 at their annual street collection on June 29.

Jane Scarth House say residents were generous in donating by card and cash at various locations.

Rachel Tucker, centre manager, said: "The community spirit is so strong in Romsey with our team of volunteers offering their time to collect donations throughout the day and the residents of Romsey who have given so generously during the street collection.

"It is a privilege when people stop and share their Cancer stories with the team, and we are so grateful for the support of the community. Every penny really does make a difference to enable us to offer our services free of charge to our clients."

A total of 35 volunteers gathered for the effort, stationed across the town from 8.30am till 4pm.

Despite its far-reaching assistance to cancer patients and their families in Hampshire and Wiltshire, the charity receives no government or NHS funding.

Fundraisers like this street collection and individual donations are key to its running.

The centre is open five days a week, from 9am to 4pm, offering free services for those affected by cancer.

To find out more visit their website.