MORE fantastic photographs from the archives of the Hampshire Chronicle.

One of the unchanging constants of city life are military parades. Back in the post-war years Peninsula Barracks the base for infantry regiments such as the Light Infantry, a stone's throw from the High Street. It closed in 1985 and moved to Sir John Moore Barracks, where its days are numbered too. The military are due to move out in the next couple of years. Most city residents will hope it wont mean the end of such precision displays.

There was a display of veterans from the late 1940s. These elderly men would have served in the Great War of 1914-18 or perhaps even the Boer War in South Africa from 1900-02.

An intriguing picture is the image of two men working in a river. The caption says it might be Wharf Hill. The mill building looks to be clad in wood. On restoration in 1970 it was replaced by a brick building. Any information gratefully received.

The photos are in the archive of the Hampshire Cultural Trust at its base in Bar End.