Methinks the Hampshire Police in its letter to the Chronicle of July 18 have missed the essential point of my letter (Chronicle, July 11), which was concerning a scaffolding lorry parked beside a pedestrian crossing, endangering life and limb. 

The response one would have hoped for was that the Hampshire Constabulary have ascertained the details of the scaffolding company concerned, contacted the relevant corporate officer, discovered when the scaffolding is to be struck, made certain that, if this activity will cause, again, an obstruction to traffic and endanger pedestrians, then adequate traffic control measures will be in place - and confirmed that the police will monitor the situation as/when it occurs. 

One can but hope that this has taken place, but an assurance in that regard would be appreciated.

The secondary problem, of contacting the Winchester Police Station, remains, despite the website connections offered. Upon using each of them, I was confronted with a notice asking if I thought the connection was safe. Why I should think that was not safe is a mystery to me - as does how to contact a live, local policeman.

John Seager Green,
St Cross Road,

St Cross,

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