A JUDGE has given a Winchester man a chance to turn his life around after he attacked a police officer and found with cocaine. 

James Hogan, of Ranelagh Road, pleaded guilty to the offences as well as failing to leave Bedford Place, Southampton, when ordered. 

Judge Brian Forster KC deferred the sentence to December 23 at a hearing at Winchester Crown Court on Monday, July 22. 

The court heard that Hogan, 39, had gone to Southampton on April 5 and was ordered to leave due to his drinking. However, he later returned and was arrested. 

Hogan then kicked a police officer when he became agitated in the back of the police van. When he was taken to the police station, he was found to be in possession of cannabis.

Andrew Houston, prosecuting, told the court that Hogan had previous convictions including sexual offences, supplying class A drugs and robbery. 

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Also, he received a 10-month sentence in March, suspended for two years. 

Eve Shelley, mitigating, said: “The three offences he committed came after he consumed alcohol. Although there are a number of convictions on his record, they were committed in 2022. 

“There had been a period of stability and he re-integrated into this family. He was volunteering at his local church and helping neighbours. 

“He accepts the offences are in breach of a suspended sentence. It has taken him a long time to get his own property and he's concerned it will be lost if he's in custody.”

Judge Forster KC said: “It's in the public interest and your interest to get back on track. If you take the opportunity, I'm willing to impose a sentence to allow you to remain in the community.”

Hogan will next appear at Southampton Crown Court for sentence on December 23.