WORK is pressing ahead on converting a former clothes shop into a national chain bookshop in Romsey.

Waterstones is preparing to move into the former M&Co unit in The Hundred.

The fashion retailer shut in April last year amid nationwide closures. 

A planning application for new signage was recently permitted by Test Valley Borough Council officers using delegated powers. 

Shop fitters have recently been inside the shop, fitting it out for the new arrival. Posters have also been put in the windows saying: "New bookshop opening soon."

Waterstones plan (Image: TVBC)

READ MORE: Waterstones: Romsey Chamber of Commerce supports new shop plan

The Advertiser has asked Waterstones for an opening date, but they are yet to respond. However, it's likely to be open by the end of July. 

The planning officers' report said: “The proposed advertisements would not adversely affect public safety or public amenity and comply with paragraph 141 of the NPPF.”

Reaction to the plans has been positive with Ali Fielder, Romsey and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry, previously saying: "As a chamber, we proudly represent the diverse array of businesses in our town and its surrounding areas, embracing both our valued members and those engaged with our local community in various ways. We are delighted whenever a new business sets roots here, whether it’s a flourishing independent shop or a well-known national retailer. The arrival of Waterstones is a testament to our town’s appeal as a thriving, economically robust destination that draws visitors from near and far.”