PLANS to construct tourist accommodation near Denmead have been rejected by Winchester City Council.

Paul Benfield and Margaret Bentley want to build two cabins on land adjacent to Drakes Bottom, Dirty Lane, to rent to tourists.

The application also covered the construction of an associated access drive and a parking area.

The application was rejected by the Winchester City Council planning committee on Wednesday, July 15.

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Parish councillor Kevin Andreoli addressing the planning committeeParish councillor Kevin Andreoli addressing the planning committee (Image: NQ)

Speaking in objection, Neil Rusbridger, from the Denmead Village Association, said: “The proposal fails to respond positively to the character of the area, resulting in visual and physical harm. The access to the site is on a single-track lane, which will struggle with additional traffic.

“The land was designated as agricultural land and should remain as such.”

Kevin Andreoli, of Denmead Parish Council, said: “Denmead Parish Council raise a strong objection on the following grounds. Policy has been applied inappropriately in this site. The need for holiday accommodation is questioned, given that the holiday accommodation in nearby Drakes Bottom, a site you have seen on photos and plans this morning, was incorporated into the main dwelling as they couldn’t let it as a holiday let.

“Dirty Lane is in places 2.6 metres wide, and there’s no pavement, no access on foot, so access on foot may be dangerous and encourage tourists to use motor vehicles. Pedestrians and horse riders may be forced into hedgerows as traffic passes.

“The site will be highly visible from and may affect the nearby right of way. The proposed water treatment plant will drain into a ditch which runs dry in the summer months - the instructions say it must always be running.”

Mr Andreoli also said that the site is also at high risk of flooding.

Speaking in support of the application, Mr Benfield said: “We’ve looked at the area and we’ve been and spoken to the other people who have holiday homes, there are a few in the area, and they all have bookings and are doing very well.

“We decided that we would look at it ourselves, and go this way. We have spoken to an agent and they have taken us in as they need people in the area. And we’re happy to do it, we need more people to come to the area.

The proposed plans for the cabinsThe proposed plans for the cabins (Image: WCC)

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“We have the big house near our land, and they use the road and there is no problem with the road.”

Cllr Jane Rutter said: “I am finding it difficult to believe that this is the most appropriate area to put sustainable tourist accommodation.”

The committee voted to reject the application over concerns with sustainability, the need for holiday accommodation and failure to respond positively to the character of the area.