CIVIC chiefs have confirmed there are no plans to introduce overnight and Sunday parking charges to the district's markets towns. 

This comes after Winchester City Council imposed controversial charges to city centre car parks last year.

The previously free overnight period from 7pm to 8am now costs £3.30 for more than one hour and Sundays charged like the rest of the week. 

Cllr Steve Miller, a Conservative who represents Bishop's Waltham, sought assurances that the charges would not spread to other areas. 

In response Cllr Kelsie Learney, cabinet member for the climate emergency, said: "Simple answer, there are no plans."

READ MORE: Winchester overnight parking charges amendment voted down

Middle Brook Street car park  (Image: Newsquest)

On the wider subject of parking charges, she said: “As promised when we introduce evening charges and changed Sunday charges to match the rest of the week, we continue to monitor the vitality of Winchester town centre and we will keep parking charges under review. 

“Free parking remains available on Sundays and in the evenings a shot walk from the town centre and for the rest of the week we have kept down charges for park and ride; and park and walk car parks. For those with a blue badge, parking is free at all times in our pay and display car park including those in the central parking area. 

“The facts are clear. The latest figures provided by Winchester BID show that despite the wet spring, footfall is up 5.5 per cent in the year to May.

“The encouragement of using edge of town car parks in a key part of the Winchester Movement Strategy. As a council, we agreed to take action to improve air quality and reduce congestion in the town centre. We are seeing that happen without a drop in footfall.”