BISHOP'S Waltham's public toilets are due to be refurbished in the autumn.

Winchester City Council has started work on giving city centre toilets a much-needed refresh, with more on the waiting list. 

Cllr Jonathan Williams asked for an update at the full council meeting. 

He said: “The cabinet members will know how since being elected I have spoken about the urgent need for refurbishment of the Bishop’s Waltham public toilets. At a time when other local authorities look to close these essential public facilities, I am very pleased that the Liberal Democrat administration in Winchester has committed to investing in these facilities right across the district. That said, can I ask when residents and visitors to Bishop’s Waltham can expect their public toilets to be refurbished so that they can enjoy a more modern facility?”

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Bishop's Waltham toilets (Image: Google Street View)

Cllr Kelsie Learney, cabinet member for the climate emergency, said: “After difficulties in obtaining a contractor, the programme to refurbish the district's public toilets is now well underway with Market Lane complete and Chesil Street car park toilets due to be finished in the coming week. 

“It is intended to complete one of the park and ride facilities next and we are starting work on the specification of the work to enable a start on Bishop's Waltham public toilets in the autumn. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bishop's Waltham Parish Council for their constructive engagement with the city council over the future management of toilets which is helping us move forward with this much needed refurbishment.”