A PARISH councillor has branded the lack of payments from small developments as a 'huge' missed opportunity. 

Steve Delmege, of Durley Parish Council, questions if the process of awarding community infrastructure levy (CIL) was fit for purpose. 

CIL money comes from developers when they get planning permission for schemes to pay for infrastructure improvements.

Speaking at the full meeting of Winchester City Council on Tuesday, July 16, Mr Delmege said: “Is the current CIL process fit for purpose when, based on the experiences of my parish, the majority of small developments, typically single properties, do not pay the CIL despite them all increasing the size of the community?”

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Steve Delmege (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Jackie Porter, cabinet member for place and local plan, said: “I sympathise with you because Worthys councillors have a similar development in our ward that didn't attract CIL despite it being within the ward. There are occasions when it doesn't always work. 

“During the local plan process, we have considered revising the schedule, but the uncertain state of the government towards CIL at that time made it not cost effective to proceed. 

“The last government proposed an infrastructure levy to be collected after completion of a property rather than at the application stage and we didn't want any CIL review to be caught up in the process. A pilot has taken place of that 'IL' review and it has proved to be ill-conceived. 

“We will keep the decision under review. We will look at it again a soon as we know the new government's plan.”

In a follow-up question, Mr Delmege said: “This is a huge revenue missed opportunity if it happens in other places across the district when developments just seem to go on and no payment made as it should be. Don't you agree we're missing an opportunity?”

Cllr Porter responded: "Actually I don't hear of it, if any other councillor hears of this happening please let me know."