WE all know the pace of new development is glacial in Winchester. The redevelopment of Silver Hill has been on the cards since the late 1980s, Station Approach for most of this century. Bar End depot is of a slightly shorter timeframe.

The former city council works depot off Bar End Road has been empty for several years after council workers downsized to nearby Barfield Close. The city council has been looking to redevelop the land and been seeking ideas. Needless to say nothing much has appeared to have happened although to be fair the Covid interlude didn't help matters.

Many ideas have been put forward including commercial use, housing and retail. A public exhibition was held in 2022.

READ MORE HERE: Residents call for community hub at depot site

Now the council is poised to reveal its preferred bidder. The announcement had been due on Tuesday but it has been delayed until September.

The Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, reported on our front page, heard from community activist Janet Berry, a longtime Highcliffe resident and a dynamic voice on the estate. She is calling very clearly for the depot to be used as a 'community hub'. That is a good idea for an area lacking in such facilities. It would boost community spirit and help to tackle chronic problems such as loneliness, social dislocation and mental health issues.

The city council has listened to those voices of local people from the Highcliffe and Bar End. However, it is more likely to opt for development that brings financial benefit. But you never know, the Chronicle might be pleasantly surprised. We will see.