A FORMER city councillor has criticised the authority for adding homes to its council stock, citing the lack of affordable homes in the district. 

Ian Tait made the comments as Winchester City Council's cabinet approved the purchase of two houses, in Stanmore and Wickham, one a former council house, with two more subject to availability.

Many council houses have been sold under the Right to Buy scheme introduced by the Conservatives in the 1980s.

Speaking at the cabinet meeting on Tuesday, July 16 Cllr Chris Westwood, cabinet member for housing, said: “It is well known that construction costs are high and sites for development are limited and from time to time, council properties purchased under the Right to Buy scheme and other off the shelf second hand homes become available on the open market for purchase.

“The properties to be acquired will form part of the council’s ambition to deliver 1,000 new homes over the 10-year programme to meet housing needs in the district.”

Mr Tait said: “This doesn't address the issue of the lack of affordable homes in the district. The council buying back houses off the market, particularly ex-council houses, depletes the stock of more affordable housing for those who want to buy rather than rent. The new government has made it very clear that the country needs to see a drastic increase in house building. All this paper does is transfer ownership from one person to another, it doesn't increase the number of houses. 

(Image: Contributed)

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“I have been arguing, I can't think for how long, that what the council needs to be doing is to look for larger sites where it can build a 21st century council estate which can properly address the housing crisis. Although we're getting houses through Kings Barton, the delivery of affordable housing through that mechanism is dependent on the developer maintaining the premium of their open market housing.

“The elephant in the room is the lack of affordable housing.”

Cllr Westwood said: “We have to focus at the moment on buying properties.”

Cllr Lucille Thompson added: “I'm delighted we are seeking four homes to add to our housing stock. These will be welcomed by the community.”

Council leader Martin Tod said: “What we have in front of us makes a great deal of sense and I'm hearing from colleagues this this is a view shared by all of us.”