A RESIDENTS' group is calling on civic chiefs to use a derelict depot site as a community hub. 

Janet Berry, of the Highcliffe Forum for Community Action, wants Winchester City Council to use the Bar End Depot site to benefit local people.

It is the biggest disused site in the city and is turning into a eyesore.

The 2.8-acre site was subject to public consultation in 2022, but work on securing a development partner has been slow. The consultation suggested a number of options including industrial, a community hub, healthcare and retail. 

Winchester City Council's website said that a recommendation for a preferred bidder was due to be presented to the cabinet on Tuesday, July 16. However, council leader Martin Tod confirmed that this would now be happening in September. 

Bar End Depot (Image: WCC)

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In the past local residents have called for more investment in community facilities to cover the Highcliffe and Bar End areas. Speaking at the cabinet meeting on July 16 Ms Berry, an ex-Labour city councillor, said: “Highcliffe Forum is keen to be kept up to date with any developments at the Bar End Depot site. The city council's website states that marketing for formal bids has now been completed and a recommendation for a preferred bidder will be presented to Cabinet on July 16.

"As you know Highcliffe Forum is responsible for taking the Highcliffe Community Plan forward on behalf of the community. This plan is cited as a major document alongside the Bar End design framework in terms of thinking about future plans for the local area. Whilst recent consultations have focussed on options such as healthcare and other proposals put forward by various organisations, Highcliffe Forum is keen to ensure that key proposals in the community plan are still considered. 

“This includes the possibility of setting up a community-run hub and shop as well as increasing the range of activities for children and young people and developing new leisure and social activities for everyone in Highcliffe.”

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Ms Berry added: “Highcliffe Forum appreciates that the new KGV Pavilion includes a new upstairs clubroom to be hired for occasional use. A community-run hub could complement this facility with each providing different services. 

“A community hub could provide exciting opportunities and could act as a permanent base for a variety of organisations such as the boxing club. We understand that the council is keen to ensure that there is a food convenience store on the site. The addition of a community hub would help create a sense of neighbourhood in the area, something that Highcliffe richly deserves. 

“Highcliffe Forum is ready to submit a residents' petition on a community hub to the council for its consideration.”

READ MORE HERE: Hampshire Chronicle comment on the Bar End depot

Janet Berry (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Tod said: “Apologies that the information about when the Bar End Depot plans were due to come back to cabinet is not today. The plans are due to come to Cabinet in September and I hope as part of that we will address the comments you have made to make sure the proposal meets the needs of the design framework. 

“We're very willing to continue the conversations with the community about the best way to ensure we have the best community provision and access to community facilities in that area. We need to start by deciding how we can make the most of the new pavilion and take a wider view of the facilities in the Highcliffe area and comparing them to other parts of the city.”

For more details about the plans, visit winchester.gov.uk/regeneration/32983/bar-end-development.