Corhampton Golf Club has received the recognition of GEO Certified® label, putting it at the forefront of efforts towards sustainability in the sport.

The accolade was confirmed by the non-profit organisation, the GEO Foundation, which supports sustainable initiatives across community, nature, resources, and climate action.

Golf facilities are uniquely intertwined with their surroundings, often providing numerous benefits like the protection of greenspace, biodiversity conservation, health and recreation opportunities for all ages, and local economic value.

Corhampton Golf Club, within the South Downs National Park, prides itself on being a custodian of the land.

The club employs a team member who holds an undergraduate degree in Ecology as part of the course management.

His insights have aided in the design and implementation of nature conservation monitoring and management activities.

Notably, the club has twice been the recipient of the Syngenta Operation Pollinator Award appreciating efforts to create beneficial habitats for pollinators.

Resource conservation is of paramount importance and a recent endeavour saw the installation of solar panels across many of its rooftops.

The club says it continues to seek new ways to foster connections with its local community. It encourages local cycling clubs and coffee groups to utilize the club facilities.

Volunteering opportunities with the ecology group and bee-keeping and honey production also form part of the club's community engagement initiatives. The local theatre group even organises an annual performance at the club.

The prestigious GEO Certification recognises the combined efforts of the club, delivering tangible social and environmental benefits to the golf industry and wider society.

Course manager Lestyn Carpenter said: "We aim to deliver through a more sustainable approach, which is good for both the environment and for golf. It’s about balancing the presentation of a high-quality golf course and providing a memorable experience within natural surroundings.

"It’s important to be as efficient as possible. It’s also about supporting the community in a range of ways that bring increased recognition, respect and contact. At a broader level, it's important that golf credibly demonstrates its commitment, and its social and environmental value - strengthening the sport’s image and reputation for the long term."