A GROUP which supports young families in the Romsey area is appealing for new volunteers, committee members and donations. 

Romsey Family Support Group has been running for more than 40 years under the management of Joan Smallwood.

They meet twice a week in the Appletree Centre behind Romsey Library where there's a creche available as well as fruit, vegetables and support. The volunteers also point families in the direction of various services and charities.

They have around ten volunteers, but more people are needed to give lifts to some of the parents and help out in practical ways. The group is also appealing for any surplus furniture which could go to a home in need. 

Joan, 79, said: “Most of the referrals come from the health visiting team. People can stay with us for as long as they like. We couldn't run without this team of volunteers. The mums come here on Mondays and Fridays. It is a family support group, so the dads come as well. 

Romsey Family Support Group parents and volunteers (Image: Newsquest)

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“At the moment we have about 25 families, over the years it's probably about 80 children. We mostly need volunteers in the creche at the moment, making sure the children don't hurt themselves and reading to them. 

“We organise days out for the families, they go to the beach, they get invited to the Plaza for the pantomime, we go to Paultons Park, the Hawk Conservancy and we run first aid courses.”

She added: “It's very rewarding because you see the parents come to the group and quite often they're anxious and have a lot of problems. When they leave the group, they've gone and got a job and I see the parents in the town and they tell me all about the progress they have made, it's absolutely incredible. It's very rewarding work. 

Mayor of Romsey visit earlier this year (Image: Contributed)

“We've grown over the years by making contacts in the community. Happy mums mean happy children. 

“We are currently looking for anyone who could spend a few hours a week either volunteering in the creche, assisting with transport of families to the group or help at fundraising events. 

“We also have vacancies for anyone who would like to become a trustee/committee member or help with our website.”

Alannah Baker, 30, comes with her one-year-old daughter Elodie. Alannah said: “It benefits me in every way possible. I've been coming for about six or seven years now, so I'm one of the people who has been here the longest. I've made new friends, it's nice to have five minutes peace and quiet to myself to have a cup of coffee and a chill out. I couldn't afford to take my kids to Paultons Park which is quite an expensive day out. Doing first aid courses has also helped a lot. I'm here religiously. It has helped me out loads.”

For more details about the group, visit rfsg.org.uk/. To volunteer or enquire about donations, email Joan at joan@rfsg.org.uk.