Following recent letters in the Hampshire Chronicle, (June 20 and July 4), we continue to deplore the vast amount of money spent by the Liberal Democrats on the flyers, pamphlets, and letters, which flooded our homes during the election campaign.

Some were hand-delivered by volunteers, others arrived by post, an additional cost. Even though we asked Danny Chambers for the deluge to cease, our request was totally ignored. They kept flooding in. All this was quite unnecessary, as enough people would have voted against the Tories to cause Mr Chambers to be elected, even if he had not bothered to campaign at all.

We were also submitted to a gross surfeit of laminated posters, at least eight, along one garden hedge alone: “ Liberal Democrats Winning Here”. Although Danny Chambers was triumphant, we know of numbers of local people who switched their vote from him, as they were so incensed by the expense of the promotional overkill to which they had been submitted.

READ MORE: Letter - 'I made it clear that we did not want any more pamphlets'

Imagine our further discomfort when we received a letter, from Mark Dixon, CEO of the Liberal Democrats, informing us “This election cost us everything we had”, admitting “But right now, we cannot afford to continue”. Not only is such a profligate use of their financial resources risible, but it does not augur well for this Party's ability to comprehend wise budgeting, on a national scale.

Nevertheless, with their coffers empty, Mr Dixon claims that it will be his party's responsibility alone to push for “the right approach to Europe, to the economy, to a fairer society, to the environment, to education and to international co-operation-alongside many others where Liberal Democrat values are so central.” Hubris writ large!

Although invited, we did not attend the Liberal Democrats' celebratory party at the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium, on Friday, July 12. It represents yet more squandered resources.

Roger and Una Stevens

Cliff Way,



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