The Somborne Sisterhood's July meeting endured a last-minute alteration due to heavy rain.

That meant participants could not go ahead with their planned garden walk to Horsebridge.

Instead, the members were accommodated in the village hall.

Here, they got to experience a local Bluegrass band, North Drive, featuring Horsebridge resident Sally Watson.

"We were told that Bluegrass is distinguished from the older string-band music by its more syncopated (off-beat) rhythm, its relatively high-pitched tenor (lead) vocals, tight harmonies, and a strong influence of jazz and blues," explained the meeting organisers.

Ms Watson took the centre stage singing while playing an 8-string F-shape mandolin.

Other performances included Rick Tarrant singing and strumming on guitar, and Richard Holland on vocals whilst playing his banjo and guitar.

The band members played both original and cover music, giving the night a unique musical blend.

The organisers spoke about the band saying: "Arrangements are mostly original, and with the vocal harmonies provide an exciting and professional sound, which was enjoyed by all."

The next meeting is set for 8pm, Friday August 2 at the village hall.

For additional information, people who want to find out more can email