MORE than £6,000 has been raised to help a Winchester family after the sudden death of a popular man.

Florin Ionut Manaila, 37, was found dead on Wednesday, July 10, leaving behind his wife and three young children. 

Family friend and neighbour Alina Ghinea, 36, set up a fundraising page to help the family with rent and funeral costs. 

By Sunday, July 14 £6,290 had been raised from 129 donations and will go to his wife Corina Moise. 

Alina, of Langton Close, Fulflood, said: “All the help is so important to them because she is left on her own with three children to look after and the rent is so expensive, everything in this country is so expensive and funeral costs are really high. They need all the support they can get. It's really sad. 

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“It was probably a heart attack or a stroke. There were no signs of injuries, the police came over and found nothing suspicious. The paramedics said he didn't suffer.”

On the amount raised, she said: “I'm so happy for Corina because she really needs a lot of support. He was known by many people and was so friendly. He was the kind of person who would go out of his way to help others. Everybody knew him. He was always really happy to chat with everyone. His death was such a big shock.”

Florin was a popular face in Winchester. As well as working as a delivery driver, he also helped Miff Kayum on his recent projects in moving the Japanese restaurant Kyoto Kitchen and Thai restaurant Bangkok Bistro.

Miff said: “I have known the family since they moved to Winchester. Florin’s mum used to work for me about 12 years ago, and both Florin and his brother have worked for me in the past. Florin helped with the refurbishment of both Kyoto Kitchen and Bangkok Bistro. 

“As someone who lost their father (I was nine when my dad died) I am really touched by the plight of this family. To lose some is always devastating but this heartbreak is compounded when the person is so young and leaves behind such a young family. 

“It’s really heart warming though to see how the diverse communities of Winchester are coming together to support this family.”

To donate to the fundraiser, visit