I recently attended a workshop in Oliver's Battery on some of the issues of climate change. 

This a hugely important issue, perhaps the most important in our time.

We all need education and we all need to change our lifestyle. We were shown how CO2 is affecting our oceans in different ways. Figures presented showed UK residents contributing around 12 tons of CO2 per person and we need to get that figure towards two! 

It seems to me government, both national and local, need to spend much more time and effort on this topic. It should be a compulsory study in schools and universities. Because the subject is complex, I can see this is going to take time.

However, I also see the matter is now extremely urgent. I thought I knew a lot but sadly that was not the case. My fear is lack of action will be catastrophic to our planet so the time to act is now. 

Tony Gaster,
Old Kennels Lane,
Oliver's Battery,

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