PLANS for a 6,000-home estate at Micheldever Station are not viable for a number of reasons (Chronicle, July 11). 

First of all, the number of homes would demand doctors' surgeries, shops and schools. 

Second issue, at very least 1,200 vehicles; even if electric. The infrastructure would not take it.

Third issue; pollution. Sewage from 6,000 households. River pollution is already a serious problem, where water companies seem to lack proactive initiative regardless of high funding from residents. 

Considering the 'morphing' plans for Bushfield Camp, which became more expansive with each plan introduced with masses of vehicles. Once again, the infrastructure would not be able to cope.

There must be many locations where houses can be built without a threat to the broader locality and preserve previous greenfield areas for future generations.

Simon Lever,
Juniper Close,
Badger Farm,

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