A HAMPSHIRE driver has been banned from the road for drug driving.

Samuel Loxley, 37, of Walker Place, Medstead, near Alresford, was caught driving in Lyeway Lane, Ropley, on Sunday, November 19, a court heard.

Following a drug test, he was found to have traces of ketamine and benzoylecgonine - a breakdown product of cocaine - in his blood.

He pleaded guilty at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, May 14.

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Loxley had 179 microgrammes of BZE per litre of blood, more than three times the legal limit of 50 microgrammes.

He also had more than 96 microgrammes of Ketamine per litre of blood, almost five times the limit of 20 microgrammes per litre of blood.

On July 10, magistrates banned Loxley from the road for 29 months. He was also given a community order to provide samples at regular intervals and undergo a review every six to eight weeks.

He has also been fined £600, and must also pay £85 costs and a victim surcharge of £114. The total amount of 799 will be collected in monthly instalments of £134 starting from August 30.