THERE was standing room only in the Quire of Winchester Cathedral as more than 100 former choristers returned to sing with the current choir for the very last time under the leadership of director of music Andrew Lumsden. 

The Winchester Cathedral Old Chorister Association holds a reunion each year, but the numbers this year, on Sunday, July 7, were exceptional as so many returned to thank Dr Lumsden, who leaves the cathedral at the end of the Southern Cathedrals Festival.

Choral music at Winchester Cathedral has been rocked by a management crisis that has persuaded the Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen to launch a review.

READ MORE: Winchester Cathedral 'welcomes' independent review

One of the nation’s most respected organists and choir directors, Dr Lumsden has conducted the world renowned choir for 22 years, over which time they have performed across the world, made numerous recordings, appeared on television and in film, sung at high profile weddings and notable funerals, and has been the choir chosen to sing at key state events. 

Very recently the boy choristers were awarded a Grammy award. 

Edward Bagnall, chair of WCOCA and himself a former chorister, said: “The choristers, former and current, boys and girls, women and men, are an essential part of our choral history, continuing a tradition that has lasted for centuries. Many of our choirs are disappearing, and our magnificent churches and cathedrals are falling silent.

"We are fortunate in Winchester not only to have one of the best choirs in the world, but one of the most stunning cathedrals in which to hear their glorious music.”