THE annual cricket match between Winchester boy choristers and clergy has taken place.

The contest was held on Wednesday, July 10, on the Pilgrims’ School playing field. 

Traditionally the boys are allowed to win, although the clergy have been known not to go gentle into that good night on occasion. 

READ MORE: The annual cricket match between Pilgrims' schoolboys and clergy at Winchester Cathedral

Fortunately, the match was not as violent as the teachers vs schoolboys rugby match in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Image: YouTube)

Nobody at the Cathedral knows precisely when the tradition started, but the yearly game has been enjoyed for a number of decades.

Mercifully, the weather was good and both sides turned out in casual dress, as opposed to the full gowns of a few years ago. 

For more information about the events the cathedral is organising this summer, visit their website here.