MENTION pilgrimage and many will think of the walks connecting famous places like the cathedral cities of York, Canterbury and Winchester.

Cross the Channel and there are routes where journeys end is Santiago de Compostela - the alleged burial site of the Biblical apostle St James, writes Graham Davies

On July 11, the Bishop of Winchester, The Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen blessed the newly installed Pilgrims' Shell, at The Hospital of St Cross, providing a guide to pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago. 

Index Cantorum is a well established chamber choir and celebrates the official recognition of St Cross on the ‘St James’ Way’ with a selection of sacred and secular choral music on the theme of pilgrimage and travels. 

A short concert with a wide variety of musical styles is presented in a programme lasting under an hour. Works featured in the programme include Renaissance music dedicated to both St James and Holy Cross. 

More contemporary pieces link St Cross Chapel and the water-meadows to a travelling theme, not just on a pilgrims route but also those who travel past it, as walkers or runners. Composers include Victoria, Byrd, Pearsall, Chilcott and Stanford, as well as a medieval song from a guidebook to journeying as a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago.

Perfect Pitch presents Pilgrims Progress - Choral Music from the Renaissance to the present day. 

Sunday, July 28 at 2.30pm in The Chapel of The Hospital of St Cross. Free admission. Donations to The Hospital of St Cross. 

For more details, visit: