THE exhibition held by staff at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens called Artists at Work ended its week long show on Sunday, July 7. 

Visitors were invited to vote for their favourite picture, whether a photograph or a painting.

When the votes were counted on Sunday afternoon there was a clear winner- 'After The Storm' - a framed photograph by Brian Whittaker.

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After The Storm (Image: Contributed)

The winning picture was taken on Saunton Sands, North Devon. Brian said: "I had initially thought that no photography would be possible given the strong winds and heavy rain all that afternoon but as we went out on to the beach we realised that it was that magic moment just as the big storm was abating. You can really feel those conditions in the photograph and the wonderful streak of late sunlight really make this picture come to life. I'm very pleased with the result which was captured on my Samsung S20 mobile phone."

The participating Artists at Work members, who normally work as part of the Hillier Gardens Visitor Services team helping customers to buy tickets and memberships, are: Anna Stiling, Beccy Axton, Brian Whittaker, Linda Penny and Ted Hepenstal. Artists at Work hope to be back again next year.