Active Christians usually follow Jesus by praying and reading the bible regularly, and by engaging with a faith community. Then there are several ways of discovering how deep our discipleship really stretches – with none more pertinent than how we handle our finance.

Jesus knew this, and spoke about money more than virtually any other subject (including prayer and heaven!). He taught very simply, that those who are faithful with little will be trusted with more.  As Billy Graham once put it: ‘If a person gets their attitude towards money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in their life.’

Whether we consider ourselves to be well off and comfortable, or stretched & struggling financially, the bible challenges all of us the same; to be faithful with what we have been given.

In Jesus day, as in most societies, there were a few extremely rich people and a large amount of very poor people. The rich, and especially the religious leaders, treated the poor with indifference at best, and cruelty at worst.  Jesus warned them through parables such as the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16.  He was only citing what Moses and the Prophets would have taught, but somehow, they had lost sight of the true heart of God amidst all the rules they imposed on his people.

Jesus himself made a point of sharing the resources he had available to treat those on the margins of society with particular kindness, care and compassion. He taught his followers – both them and now, to do the same, and became the ultimate role model for generosity by giving not just his resources, but his life. 

Our Money is not a possession, but a resource – available to use for good or evil. And like all our resources it comes from God. Psalm 24:1 says: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” God owns everything but he is looking for people who he can trust to use the resources within their influence for his glory and for the welfare of his children, rather than for their own private glory or glamour or attention.

Some years ago, our church advertised a “£1 Car Wash”. We invited drivers into our car park where our enthusiastic volunteers washed the dirt and dust off their cars. Then instead of taking their money, we gave them £1 to take away. We just wanted to demonstrate the kind of generosity Jesus talks about & do something people wouldn’t expect. Most people were surprised, some were genuinely taken aback, and a handful were completely freaked out by our generosity. It was an unexpected response! I think it would need to be a fiver nowadays to make the same impact.

God gives to us and enriches our lives, so that we can give to others, and enrich their lives. Nicky Gumbel sums it up like this: “Money is to be used, but not loved. Don’t love money and use people. Love people and use money.”

Nigel Hemming

Senior Pastor,

Winchester Vineyard Church,

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