Romsey Ladies' Choir is holding a concert, together with Kirsty Purves, singer and pianist, in aid of George's Trust.

George O'Brien was just 17 when he died unexpectedly from a rare teenage cancer. The tragedy affected many lives in Romsey and further afield.

In 2009 his family set up George's Trust, since when a quarter of a million pounds has been raised, most of which has been donated to the Teenage Cancer Unit at Southampton Hospital to further their treatment facilities.

George's main loves were music and sport and the trust supports the youth work locally in both these fields.

The choir members warmly support George's Trust as his grandma is a choir member.

The concert, entitled Sing into Summer, is to be held on Sunday, July 14, at 2.30pm in the United Reformed Church, Romsey. The songs are happy, easy listening.

In view of the cost of living crisis, we hold our ticket prices at £5 and children are admitted free.

Three baskets of food and drink are the grand raffle prizes. We hope to have a packed house.

Eireen Coulson

Romsey Ladies' Choir