A Winchester resident has pleaded guilty to lending their Audi A4 to an uninsured person while drunk.

Ashley Mitchell, 54, of Winnall, Winchester, has been fined £120 and docked ten points on his licence for being drunk in charge of a vehicle.

Mitchell was fined an additional £120 for letting an uninsured person use his car, a court heard.

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Ashley Mitchell has asked to have the fines deducted from their benefits (Image: Dorset Police)

Mitchell was more than twice above the legal limit when he lent the car to Laura Mitchell.

The incident took place on The Valley, Stanmore, Winchester, on the evening of November 9, 2023.

Following their conviction, Ashley Mitchell applied to have some of the fines deducted from benefits, as opposed to paying them outright.

Mitchell had 85 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 micrograms.