A VIBRANT array of knitted bollard toppers are brightening up Romsey town centre.

The annual tradition started in 2017 and sees a variety of knitted covers on bollards around The Hundred. They were unveiled on Friday, June 28. 

It was conceived as a community project, part of a wider Art in The Test Valley project and initiated by Dorothy Baverstock, a town councillor at the time.

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Knitted bollard (Image: Contributed)

This year's theme is Life on Earth. Some brilliant creations have been added such as a monkey, giraffe, penguin and more.

Trish Foreman, one of the organisers, said: “Over the years it has grown, we have many groups, local charities, organisations such as local WIs and the U3A, schools, and private individuals who create the sleeves, it is open to all.”

See the knitted bollards in the town centre, around the Market Place by the Palmerston statue.