Marwell Zoo is preparing to welcome a childhood favourite, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, this summer.

Commencing on July 24 and ending September 1, the zoo will host a display that traces the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, reinforced by 3D fruit installations on a grand scale.

Guests can venture through an oversized apple, pear archways, and plum tunnels, mimicking the caterpillar’s journey to metamorphosis.

Following this, visitors can tour the remainder of the zoo at your leisure or try your hand at bug spotting at home with the zoo’s expert tips.

Particular attention should be given to the zoo's unique bugs and invertebrates such as the Extinct in the Wild partula snails, sun beetles, red-legged millipedes, and locusts.

Additionally, throughout the summer, the zoo promises charming giveaways related to The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

To stay updated, patrons are encouraged to keep an eye on their social media channels.

Assistance on how to help native bugs thrive can be found on their website