Recently I had to purchase a mobility scooter and then try to learn to assemble it and take it apart. 
Using it without actually mowing anyone down, became the next issue. 

Complete strangers have seen me struggling in the car park because things refuse go together as they should, or the thing fails to move because the brake has been left on, etc. 

There is much to think of when an item is new. A lovely young couple came to help me. We had a giggle about how silly it all was and then sorted it out between us. Then another kind stranger came to help. 

She was seven years my senior and I’m nearly 80. I have made so many kind acquaintances that it’s almost worth getting it wrong deliberately. Thank you to all of you (you know who you are) and thank you to my kind friends who have lent a necessary hand at times, also. 

Well done, Romsey. I hope such kindness can be present in our new politicians.   

Jackie Browne,
High Firs Road,

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