May I, through your letters page, say a huge thank you to all those people in Romsey who showed their support in different ways to mark Refugee week in June. 

Poems and posters were displayed everywhere, from a fitness centre to a toy shop, from a bookshop to a hairdresser, from a health food cafe to the Town Hall. 

In churches, where people had time to reflect, they wrote cards to say what they would miss the most, if circumstances forced them to flee their homes. I'm pleased to reveal the 'top 10' answers from nearly a hundred people in the Baptist church, the Methodist church and the URC: 
1. My family 2. My friends 3. My garden 4. My cat 5. Security 6. Warmth 7. Fresh water 8. My Culture 9. My bed 10. My pot of tea.

I dare say these were among things that were actually being missed by the Ukrainian mother and her son who joined the Romsey group of Amnesty International for a social evening during that week. 

In Kyiv, she had a thriving career and he was preparing to study computer science at university.

Now life, as they knew it, has changed beyond recognition. Leaving behind a husband and father, they wait to see what the future holds. In the meantime, they are both so grateful to have been met in our country with nothing but kindness. Let us hope that generosity of spirit, seen in bucket loads in Romsey last month, will continue.

Fay Fleming,
The Crescent, 

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